Press Release:
SmartViser collaborates with the Energy Efficiency project with the European Commission
Date: 5th September 2022
The European Commission is looking to make smartphones and tablets more environmentally friendly. As part of this objective, they have released the circular economy action plan.
The plan provides a future-oriented agenda with a set of interrelated initiatives to establish a policy framework that will help create sustainable products.
The Circular Electronics Initiative*, regulatory measures for electronics and ICT including mobile phones, tablets, and laptops under the Ecodesign Directive so that devices are designed for energy efficiency and durability, reparability, upgradability, maintenance, reuse, and recycling.

Within this framework, two Commission initiatives* are currently assessing the feasibility of Ecodesign/Energy Labelling requirements for mobile phones and tablets. The two initiatives on the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling of mobile phones and tablets will be part of secondary legislation respectively implementing the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and supplementing the Energy Labelling Regulation 2017/1369. The new energy label for smartphones and tablets will display the familiar energy ratings that have been seen on other products like fridges and TVs currently sold within the European Union.
The new regulations are expected to be signed into law in early 2023 and to come into force after a comparatively short transition period of approximately twelve months.
SmartViser a technology company headquartered in Rennes France has developed the test automation solution viSer which is used by several manufacturers, operators and media for their device and network testing. Providing mobile test automation solutions is helping to shape the Smartphone industries to benefit from impactful test automation that can provide repeatable and trustable results.
SmartViser has been working with the EU Commission and Fraunhofer IZM which has been supporting the European Commission in a detailed study of technical feasibility and commercial consequences, since June 2021. The result of this collaboration was the set of regulatory options and testing procedures that are being refined and formalised in the draft regulations.
Xavier Frere, CTO of SmartViser highlights:
“We are very pleased to be involved in the EEI index project as Battery is one of our core expertise, competencies, and capabilities. Thanks to the unique technology the powerful engine viSer can test devices the same way an end user will use them while at the same time collecting several valuable KPIs. Since our collaboration with the Energy Efficiency project with the European Commission and the Beta testing program, we have been overwhelmed with the support of the smartphone manufacturers community helping build and reinforce the testing process based on viSer test automation that will benefit the greater community and the end users of all future products”.
The chosen testing methodology will be based on the Day of Use Simulation which will run automatically in a loop of several usages (activities) the same way as an end user will do. Testing could be fully automated using viSer test automation conducted in a controlled test environment using a network simulator to ensure repeatability and reliability. Ventilation and temperature conditions will also be specified. The viSer EEI application would then perform the testing as per the defined methodology and at the end of the testing would provide an Energy Efficiency Index measurement.
Susie Siouti, CCO of SmartViser reflected:
“In the last few years, we have seen an ever-increasing trend of device manufacturers producing products with bigger battery sizes using more precious metals in order to offer longer battery life. With the introduction of the Energy labelling of mobile phones and tablets, we are looking to see a shift in that trend by providing better energy efficiency that will allow for smaller batteries and less frequent recharging".
The proposed regulations will be part of the agenda at the next IFA 2022 Consumer Electronics expo in Berlin from 2nd - 6th September 2022. SmartViser will be performing live demos of the test procedure of the Energy Efficiency rating between the 5th and 6th of September at Fraunhofer IZM stand 336 in Hall 20.
Our team of experts, CTO Xavier Frere, our CCO Susie Siouti and our Business Development Manager Thierry Le Bihan, look forward to meeting with you.
About SmartViser
SmartViser with long telecoms expertise and customer-centric innovation has developed the standalone test automation suite viSer that allows OEMs, ODMs, Mobile Operators, MVNOs, Regulators and any company offering Telecom Services to test, benchmark, monitor, troubleshoot or measure QoS/QoE on devices, connectivity, and mobile network technology.
SmartViser launched its first ViserMark Label to measure battery life performance translating mAh into straightforward battery life scores. Thus, allowing smartphone manufacturers to improve their battery life performance and offer superior quality of experience for their
Headquartered in Rennes France and with an international presence, we are fully committed to supporting our customers and are proud to collaborate with key players in the industry. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge innovation to help our customers succeed in today’s fast-evolving technologies and environments.
You can find more information about SmartViser and its innovative software on the Web at and ViserMark at:
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